Thursday, March 24, 2011

U of I, not for I

So for the longest time, I have said that I wanted to go to the University of Iowa. Well, with some of the problems that have happened in the last few weeks, it seems my chances of going to Iowa are diminishing everyday. I recently found that I will have to pay for College and other big expenses before then, by myself. That is two choir trips and possibly a spanish trip. So odds are I am going to have to go to NIACC. Which is really depressing. I'm going to have work really hard to even try and get into a good college. Now I haven't ruled out the service yet. My entire family is against me going into the service, but if I don't get help for college I really have no other option. My aunt is in the Air Force, that would be my choice if I chose a military branch. Who knows? Maybe my music career will take off! (That is me being optimistic) This topic really does depress me. When I talk to me padres about it, they sit and look at their computer screens, filtering every word I say. Only hearing what they want to hear. Now some people don't believe you need a college degree. I personally would like to do something in the scientific career. I don't believe the service can help me when it comes to science. It really just upsets me on how poor my parent's planning was. You would think that they would help their children succeed in life, because of this, I will not be given a good chance. My sister is barely able to pay off her loans at the moment and I will probably be struggling as well. So Mallory wanted me to put that she rocks because she helped me with the idea, although I thought of it myself. She wants credit. So, go Mallory, I guess.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Riddle Me This!

Recently, I have been addicted to tons of riddles. Speaking of a riddle with tons, here is one.
What weighs more? A ton of Feathers or a ton of Bricks?
Well obviously they weigh the same.
Riddles just seem to be a good brain teaser, and the feeling of getting a brain teaser right is pretty awesome. I've been looking up random riddles just to challenge myself and I believe that I can get most of them right. You just have to think like a riddle. Here is one of my favorites,
"A man is captured by Goblins, he is allowed to say one statement that will decide his death. If it is a false statement, he will be boiled in water. If it is a true statement, he will be fried in oil. The man said a statement that made the goblins release him. What did he say?"
This made me think, really hard. I'll tell you the answer at the end of the blog. Force you to read it.
Now a good riddle will make you think for a creative solution; bad riddles make you think for like a second and then you found out it is a stupid answer. They really annoy me, an example would be:
"How many bricks does it take to make a building of bricks?"
The answer is one.
Now, if you can explain to me how a person can live in a brick building containing only one brick, you are worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize. Riddles are amazing! I can tell riddles for years and years and not get bored. They are simply amazing. Once you find a good riddle, you tell everyone that will listen until everyone knows the answer.

By the way, the man captured by Goblins said, "You will boil me in water." If it is a true statement and he will be boiled in water, he should have been fried in oil because it was a true statement. If they said it was false and they ended up boiling him in water, he should have been fried in oil because it was true. Confusing, yes.