Friday, January 28, 2011

"That Is So Facebook Worthy."

Facebook, oh where do I begin. We recently read an article in Composition talking about how technology is distracting us from our school work, I completely agree. I'm listening to music as I type this post. Facebook is just a mindless pit for everyone's empty thoughts to be thrown into. Sadly, a majority of the time no one cares about what you are saying. Somebody will post a "I just got home, text me!" Umm, I don't want to. You should stop crying for attention. Okay, I'll be honest. I go on Facebook, mostly because I have nothing better to do. It gives me a way to talk to people that I am sometimes not able to talk to. There are both positive and negative aspects of Facebook. A negative is all the Facebook "Stalkers." No one knows who they are, but yet they still talk to you. It's also possible that they could be pedophiles. Able to find little kids at a click away. It's crazy how people can find anyone they have ever met at any point of their life. Facebook is a way of gratifying people that really have no effort to do something. As in people sitting on their couch, watching TV.


Honestly the temptation to open up Facebook is huge, I literally just had to catch myself from opening it up. People that want to get a project or an assignment done should be as far way as possible from Facebook. They will not hesitate to open up Facebook and stare at their computer screen for an hour or so trying to figure it out what to do. Your mind literally freezes, you forget what you are focusing on and go on Facebook. I subject I haven't mentioned is Farmville, I can't even begin to talk about my hatred for Farmville. There was a news story that a lady strangled her child because it was interrupting Farmville. Now if that was me, I would be the one to "Strangle my computer for interrupting my time with my kid." I' have many arguments that I will continue to portray at my own will. So keep posted!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sleep Deprived Students

The feeling of waking up, never got anyone out of bed. Looking at the clock, only to realize it is too early even for the sun. Students waking up this early usually do poorly in school, their grades show the effect. As I write this blog post, my eyes are becoming heavier, my body is telling me that I should stop, sleep and reflect. My mind constantly tells me that I either; one need sleep, or I'm thirsty. It's very weird, my body tells me odd things when I am tired. As I type this paper, my body is fighting every single motion I make with my fingers. Now I will admit, this is my fault. I sometimes refuse to go to bed, because I will be texting someone or I will just be into the show I am watching. I usually watch the Colbert Report and the Daily Show before I go to bed, depending on how well the show is going or if I like the guest. The show is the only way I can keep up with news anymore, all the good talkshows are during afternoon hours, or while I am in school. These issues are impossible to keep track of, the only source I have is the CBS Evening News with Kate Couric. Really? The CBS Evening News? My parents hate politics and they only watch the terrible KIMT news! I hate KIMT. Speaking of which, what happened to that Dave Hansen, the weird stone jaw guys that did the news before? Did he get fired? Or did he quit? I really have no idea. It makes me upset that KIMT wouldn't even tell me. So in a sense, the CBS Evening News is better than KIMT. Nothing interesting happens in this town, except for the Barack Obama, Hitler sign. That seems to be the only time we have been on national news, I just wish it was positive.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Triple Platinum

Music. We all have music, whether it be show choir, or singing in the shower. It's rages inside of us. Whether you listen to Jazz, Rock or Rap. It is there. The music is inside of you. The power to release it exists in everyone, I cannot say how many times I wanted to speak out about music. I also believe in listening in whatever you want, without the fear of ridicule. People get upset if you listen to screamo or listen to rap, but I believe you may listen to whatever you want. I listen to The Lonely Island, which is barely music, more like rhyming random profanitites and calling it music. I love listening about random profanities, I would speak of their music but I will probably get in trouble. The topic of music really speaks to me, I feel like I can talk about music for hours and hours, music is one of my favorite topics. They're just so many different varieties. As I type this Blog, I'm singing to my music, I have been recently re-discovering the band Linkin Park, a pretty sweet band which I knew since I was about seven.
Now this is my first Blog and I cannot say I expected you to stay awake during my blog post. My topic was probably not the best to talk about the first times, but as I discover more topics to talk about I will, most likely, venture away from from the topic of music. Throwing in Politics or Science, maybe even some topics that other people may be afraid to talk about. The whole point of a blog is to talk about issues that matter to you. In this case, it will be about politics, I cannot say that everyone will agree with what I say, but that does not matter to me. What matters to me is that my voice will be heard, whether people want me to speak or not. I honestly cannot think of what else to say, so I am rambling for the last couple sentences. The feeling of being able to speak my mind actually helps relieve a bit of stress, I can discuss what happens with teachers during my school day, and I reflect on how well I am doing in school. Well I'm about done with my first Blog, I'm hoping to gain some followers so I can discuss more topics. Happy Blogging!