Thursday, February 24, 2011

Watson the Wizard

So, recently I was watching Jeopardy. I seen that they had a robot going against two of the best Jeopardy contestants of ALL TIME. Now, Jeopardy is sweet and I love watching it. I feel smart whenever I get an answer right, that feeling of accomplishment. Currently there is a Teen tournament, now I feel that I could compete with some of these teens and I feel I could beat them down with my knowledge.

See, during the first round, I sit and listen to the questions, answering them with lightening speed. If I had a button, I would press it faster than any of them. My money total would be gigantic. They would have to multiply their own total by fourty in order to equal my massive amount of money. Watson and I. One on one,  a fight to the finish.

I would win, obviously. My brain power surpasses Watson's processors by at least 3.24. That is the exact number I found when calculating this problem. Which I happened to in less than 2 seconds. Now Watson is a great computer and he would make a fantastic desktop computer. Watson is a great computer, but it's flaws are so obvious. The scientists that made Watson, (Work at IBM) need to fine tune him. One of Jeopardy's questions had to deal with an airport in the United States. Watson answered with, "What is Toronto?" Well, Toronto is not a State in the United States. Just a small flaw in Watson.

So in reality Watson is no where close to becoming our robotic overlord. He is just a machine capable of doing some activity that our brain can do everyday. IBM will have to do a lot more to take over humanity,  than a computer that can answer question in the form of a question. Honestly, I was impressed by this random robot, and I am hoping that the technology used for this robot will be used in an appropriate way.

Watson could possibly change the whole outlook on Artificial Intelligence. Doctors can look up what disease a patient may be suffering from, they use Watson and they are finding out what's wrong in a matter of seconds. The technology is really outstanding. It surprises me that this technology even exists, it simply is interesting how advanced this is.

Well, my main point is that Watson is amazing, and I believe he will change the face of the world.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weather.... Nature is cruel.

I'm looking out my window, watching as ice literally falls from the sky. It depresses me that four days ago we were pushing sixty degrees, and now we're barely hitting 30 degrees. Now I live to play basketball, and playing it inside is just bland and boring to me, I prefer shooting baskets outside with a steady breeze keeping me for dying of heat stroke. I only like to be outside if it is less than 80 degrees. Heat never really reacts well with me, I always seem to be really tired or dizzy whenever I'm in heat for a long period of time. That's why when I lived in Nevada I couldn't be outside for very long. Made me feel really sick. Okay, back to the subject of Iowa weather. It seems we cannot have a normal month of weather. Now I know the groundhog saw it's shadow, so that means spring six weeks early, but to get our hopes up only to crush them with freezing rain is pretty cold. I have been waiting for great weather ever since the first snow. I knew it was going to be very cold, but everyone was more excited for the first snow. I knew everyone would be excited, and I knew that everyone was over looking the doom that was coming to Mason City. If you ask anyone if they're still excited about the snow, all of them would say no. Plus, we had over 4  or 5 feet of snow before it hit 55 degrees last Thursday. I'm surprised that some of the rivers didn't start flooding from all the snow being melted. A couple years ago after we had a downpour, East Park ended up flooding. Now I don't know when exactly that was, but I am pretty sure it was towards the beginning of spring after all the snow had melted. Plus I was in Iowa City a few years back when the whole place ended up flooding, our hotel we stayed at was underwater. Earlier that day I was fighting a stomach bug and was trying to decide if I should go to The University for a "Freshman Preview." I ended up going with. While waiting to leave Iowa City we saw the news, our hotel was underwater. I smart decision for me to go with. 

Iowa weather just bothers me anymore. It could be 70 degrees out, with 100% humidity and it basically ruins any plans you had for going outside during the day. If you have one great day with weather, then by all means, take advantage of it. Iowa weather is so unpredictable that if you don't take advantage of it, it could change in a matter of minutes. If this ice keeps up tonight and it keeps going into tomorrow, we could possibly not have school. I wouldn't doubt it, but I am not expecting it. The school district is freaking out after those two days we had off a couple weeks ago. If we can't even get delayed for -40 weather, we have no chance of getting delayed for a half inch of ice.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


There comes a time where the emotion of Follies is flowing through the air, the magical feeling of music flowing. This years theme is Broadway! I am sucker when it comes to Broadway and I love Broadway music. Although this should be a happy time, it seems almost every relationship is crumbling to the pressure of Follies and it makes me sad. Another thing that upsets me is that I didn't do a solo! I knew I should have sang a song, and it kills me everytime I hear someone else do a solo. It is really fun though, the feeling of being on stage is just, indescribable. Some people are nervous, other people freak out, and very little people are excited and love the stage. I love the feeling of being on stage, it just excites me.

Now that Follies is over, I have no idea what to do. Show Choir alone was so fun, next year when I do a song/duet it will be even more fun. I'll be able to sing my own song, show off my own range. Not to mention, the choir is losing so many great singers next year. Varsity Choir members have to step up so we don't sound terrible. I just love singing, the feeling of expressing yourself through your singing is amazing, and if I am able to show off my "talent" during Follies then that will just help me get used to the feeling of being on stage singing by myself. I've heard I have the "Golden Voice," not like that homeless man that got a job announcing for the Cleveland Cavaliers, but as soon as he gets really good he's going to take his talents to South Beach. Follies is just a big tradition for Mason City High School. I swear I have been to the last six or seven Follies, my sister was in it for all four years she was there, and the on year she wasn't there I went for the eighth grade preview. I do love Follies though, being a part of it just makes it so much better. Don't get me wrong, sitting in the crowd watching it is also great, but I love being part of the show! Being backstage and being behind the scenes is really fun!

My weekends are now empty, and I no longer have an excuse to dance. I never danced anyway, but I ended up getting good. Felt good being right in the middle of it all. Well, thanks for reading my blog, I feel I have reached over 300 words. I can't be sure, but I am going to talk for a couple more sentences to make sure I get my limit. I never usually have anything to blog about, it's just whatever I am thinking about at the moment. Knowing I just got back from Follies it explains the reason why.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Big Game

Some people watch for the commercials, some people watch for the big hits, but the true fans watch the game for the game itself. Now, I will be the first to admit that I do not really care for this year's Super Bowl. I still feel cheated from the Chicago Bears terrible loss in the NFC Championship game. I think Cutler is just a wuss that gave up in the middle of the game, media say that he tried to get back in the game. Well, if I didn't want to be booed at I would try to get back into the game. Although he "tried" to get back into the game, a week after the game he ended up being filmed shoveling his driveway from the recent snowstorm that hit his home in Chicago. Now, I won't be hung up about this for too long, and honestly I could care less for whoever wins the Super Bowl. My team is out, and I hate both teams that are in the Super Bowl. Aaron Rodgers irritates me with his "Championship Belt" taunt and because I am a Bear fan, Ben Roethlisberger is a rapist and the Steelers are always in the Super Bowl, they have won the last 4 or 5 Super Bowls they have been in. I'll watch the Super Bowl because I would love to see both Quarterbacks get the crap beat out of them. I think both teams are equally matched, both teams are number 1-2 for defense. My Super Bowl Prediction, Steelers 27-13.

I live for the parties during Super Bowl weekend. The experience of the Super Bowl is way better lived with all your friends. I am "expecting" to go to my friends for the Super Bowl, and also might head to Godfathers right before to get an awesome pizza to last us for the game. There is something about pizza on gameday that feels right, whether that is the millions of advertisements promoting their pizza or if it's just a tradition in my house. Football has been passed down through my family, My grandfather is a Viking Fan, almost my entire family consists of Viking Fans, except for me. Which broke the mold of being a Viking Fan and decided to cheer for the Bears. It makes some games more interesting than cheering for one team.