Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weather.... Nature is cruel.

I'm looking out my window, watching as ice literally falls from the sky. It depresses me that four days ago we were pushing sixty degrees, and now we're barely hitting 30 degrees. Now I live to play basketball, and playing it inside is just bland and boring to me, I prefer shooting baskets outside with a steady breeze keeping me for dying of heat stroke. I only like to be outside if it is less than 80 degrees. Heat never really reacts well with me, I always seem to be really tired or dizzy whenever I'm in heat for a long period of time. That's why when I lived in Nevada I couldn't be outside for very long. Made me feel really sick. Okay, back to the subject of Iowa weather. It seems we cannot have a normal month of weather. Now I know the groundhog saw it's shadow, so that means spring six weeks early, but to get our hopes up only to crush them with freezing rain is pretty cold. I have been waiting for great weather ever since the first snow. I knew it was going to be very cold, but everyone was more excited for the first snow. I knew everyone would be excited, and I knew that everyone was over looking the doom that was coming to Mason City. If you ask anyone if they're still excited about the snow, all of them would say no. Plus, we had over 4  or 5 feet of snow before it hit 55 degrees last Thursday. I'm surprised that some of the rivers didn't start flooding from all the snow being melted. A couple years ago after we had a downpour, East Park ended up flooding. Now I don't know when exactly that was, but I am pretty sure it was towards the beginning of spring after all the snow had melted. Plus I was in Iowa City a few years back when the whole place ended up flooding, our hotel we stayed at was underwater. Earlier that day I was fighting a stomach bug and was trying to decide if I should go to The University for a "Freshman Preview." I ended up going with. While waiting to leave Iowa City we saw the news, our hotel was underwater. I smart decision for me to go with. 

Iowa weather just bothers me anymore. It could be 70 degrees out, with 100% humidity and it basically ruins any plans you had for going outside during the day. If you have one great day with weather, then by all means, take advantage of it. Iowa weather is so unpredictable that if you don't take advantage of it, it could change in a matter of minutes. If this ice keeps up tonight and it keeps going into tomorrow, we could possibly not have school. I wouldn't doubt it, but I am not expecting it. The school district is freaking out after those two days we had off a couple weeks ago. If we can't even get delayed for -40 weather, we have no chance of getting delayed for a half inch of ice.


  1. Not having normal weather is all part of Iowa weather. You get use to it after a while, but then again you never get use to it cause each year brings something new. Like no electricity for a week or more. (that happened to me a few years ago and it sucked!) Oh and I don't want a cancellation, just a delay. Which we probably wont get anyway.

  2. I hate how the weather is so unpredictable and changes dramatically within a couple of days. It was so nice out yesterday and now its sleeting. It would be nice to have a delay in the morning though.

  3. First off! I love your backround!(:
    Delay all the way Megan!(: paaahhleeaasee, if there isn't I will have to be outside and scrapping/defrosting my car for an hour!
    urrghh. (:

  4. Casey go out for basketball next year. We will need the numbers! Well anyways I agree today has been just crappy! Ice falling from the sky... that was intense I never really though of it that way. Also think summer is just a few months away!

  5. I makes me mad, Its like its teasing us with nice weather and them smacking us in the face with more crap weather! I hate you mother nature.
