Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Big Game

Some people watch for the commercials, some people watch for the big hits, but the true fans watch the game for the game itself. Now, I will be the first to admit that I do not really care for this year's Super Bowl. I still feel cheated from the Chicago Bears terrible loss in the NFC Championship game. I think Cutler is just a wuss that gave up in the middle of the game, media say that he tried to get back in the game. Well, if I didn't want to be booed at I would try to get back into the game. Although he "tried" to get back into the game, a week after the game he ended up being filmed shoveling his driveway from the recent snowstorm that hit his home in Chicago. Now, I won't be hung up about this for too long, and honestly I could care less for whoever wins the Super Bowl. My team is out, and I hate both teams that are in the Super Bowl. Aaron Rodgers irritates me with his "Championship Belt" taunt and because I am a Bear fan, Ben Roethlisberger is a rapist and the Steelers are always in the Super Bowl, they have won the last 4 or 5 Super Bowls they have been in. I'll watch the Super Bowl because I would love to see both Quarterbacks get the crap beat out of them. I think both teams are equally matched, both teams are number 1-2 for defense. My Super Bowl Prediction, Steelers 27-13.

I live for the parties during Super Bowl weekend. The experience of the Super Bowl is way better lived with all your friends. I am "expecting" to go to my friends for the Super Bowl, and also might head to Godfathers right before to get an awesome pizza to last us for the game. There is something about pizza on gameday that feels right, whether that is the millions of advertisements promoting their pizza or if it's just a tradition in my house. Football has been passed down through my family, My grandfather is a Viking Fan, almost my entire family consists of Viking Fans, except for me. Which broke the mold of being a Viking Fan and decided to cheer for the Bears. It makes some games more interesting than cheering for one team.


  1. I'm gonna have to say I didn't even watch the superbowl this year. But I'm gonna have to say that if I did have a superbowl party or attend one, Pizza is deffinatly not the right food. The superbowl is more of a chips and dip occasion.

  2. I would have watched if the Bears had made it, as you know. I heard the commercials weren't that great, either. I wanted to punch someone in the face when there were 70 updates about how the Packers had won. It was a fun night.
